The 11 Pillars of Self Confidence

If you are ever going to put yourself out there, one of the key things you will need is confidence. You can be confident in one area of your life, and lack confidence in others. So I am sharing 11 pillars that can help you build your confidence.

  • Trusting yourself - most people don’t trust themselves, they go against their desire and nature. Society also does a great job at reinforcing this lack of trust.
  • Knowing thyself - along with not trusting, many of us have not a clue what we’re great at, how we learn, or our bodies.
  • Not letting your past determine who you are today - Confident people know they can’t change their past but they don’t have to live in it
  • Saying No - confidence people will flat out tell you no without fear of rejection or feeling like they “owe you one”
  • Focus - they don’t waste time on things that aren’t the main thing.
  • Playing to win, not just playing not to lose - Kobe never walked into a game thinking how can I just get through this one. The Mamba Mentality is total domination. All or nothing
  • Practice the 3 mindsets - The abundance mindset, resilience mindset, and growth mindset are what they live by
  • Makes health a priority - Physical and mental health aren’t just something that’s put in the back burner, it’s numero uno
  • Ask for what they want / what they’re worth - It seems like we magically get what we want but the truth is we simply ask and aren’t ok with anything less than what we deserve
  • Welcomes feedback - Confident people aren’t afraid to get direct feedback on their work, performance, etc., they actually welcome it but not from critics or haters
  • Asks/gets help where needed - Believe it or not, confident people still need help and they aren’t afraid to ask for it either

Links Mentioned

A brief history of my story part 1

A brief history of my story part 2

7 Laws of Mindful Living Book

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