Making Moves in eSports

  • How to make it to the in eSports
  • How much can you really make by reaching the top 1% in esports
  • Making the transition from pro gamer to coach

In two sentences or less, tell us about yourself:

Retired professional gamer, pushing myself towards becoming the best esports coach possible. Passionate about helping others and self-improvement.

Tell us the story of HOW or WHY got famous. We'd also love to hear any fun/interesting/funny stories about your experience! Please include as much detail as possible.

Although I don't really consider myself famous, I do have aspirations of notoriety. One of my favorite facts is that I am one of the only players in my specific game to play a tournament on 4 different continents in one year. Countries I have traveled to are Korea, Romania, Ukraine, England, Germany (lived for 1 year), Sweden, Brazil. Plenty of stories but my favorite moments are interacting with fans and being able to brighten their day with providing value to them. Some of my favorite stories are interacting with people who don't speak English and trying to communicate.

What happened when you got your first gig or customer? Did you do anything special to celebrate?:

One interesting fact is that I signed my professional contract on the same day that my service in the US Air Force ended. I didn't celebrate that, but I did have a lot of crazy celebrations after successful results at international tournaments.

How much did it cost to get started (and what did you spend that money on)?

There were some minor investments to get started in esports, the main one being a good PC which is essential to being at the top of any competitive title. Players can make anywhere from 20k a year to millions depending on the game and if they are streaming on the side or not. As with most things once you work your way to the top of a specific field of work you start to spend less and have more things sponsored or given to you.

What has been the best part of the experience thus far? Additionally, how has being famous benefited you?: Pushing myself.

I have learned that I love being involved in the advancement of unstudied fields. As a coach, learning to understand and be able to explain the differences between coaching traditional sports and coaching esports is something that I want to focus on right now. Being well known or respected adds to my confidence. It validates my thoughts that other people who I consider famous or respected can have a conversation with me and see the world the same way that I do.

What struggles have you encountered, and how did you overcome them? Is there anything you'd go back and do differently?:

Countless struggles. The biggest ones I have recently set out to overcome are 1) understanding my childhood and where my insecurities come from, and 2) dealing with being betrayed by someone whom I trusted and considered a friend. I am blessed to feel like I am someone who can always stay level headed and eventually work through my own struggles and look at them from an unbiased perspective. One of my greatest strengths is empathy.

I have an overwhelming faith that MOST people act in good faith for what they thought was the best decision at the time and those that do not have experienced trauma to make them think and act in a way that they wouldn't have had they not had those experiences. There are a few things I would go back and do differently but only in the sense that I would've learned a different lesson from that moment and that decision. I don't necessarily regret any decisions I have made.

What are the top two pieces of advice you'd give to others wanting to follow a similar path?:

If you KNOW you were meant to do something big or "different" then what the people around you are doing, don't let ANYTHING stop you from continuing to grow, learn, or try.

A quote I try to live by is from Samuel Clemens or Mark Twain as he is more commonly known. "Always do right, this with gratify some people and astonish the rest." I believe that there is something out there whether it is a higher power, energy, and frequency, or the earth itself that rewards people who speak and act on their truth unrelentingly.

What’s next for you?:

Pushing myself to be better and help more people. Never ceasing to push myself in my field of passion whatever it may be at different times in my life. Putting more positivity into the world. Inspiring others, regardless of age.

Vernon's Take

  1. Put in the reps -- It's clear that Tanner has put in the reps to understand want it takes to get the job done.
  2. Superpower  -- Tap into your superpower. How can you be relentless on your path as you move toward excellence?
  3. Being in service to others --  Service is the highest calling to humanity. When we get in service to others, nothing's impossible or off-limits.

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