A Brief History of My Story Part 2

If you haven't listened to last week's episode, go back and do that now, because this is a continuation of that episode, where I tell my story and share how I got to where I am now.

After leaving my job, I started an entertainment company with two of my friends. After doing that for a while, I felt inspired to build a business online, so I could do some more traveling. That is how I discovered podcasting. As I was working on getting started with podcasting, I was consulting on events on a freelance basis to make some money, and I was reminded that I didn't like to organize events. I decided to focus on podcasting, because I felt that it was going to be the next big thing. Podcasting started to take off with me, and it gave me a platform to build relationships. I struggled a lot starting my podcast business, but it gave me the opportunity to travel again, so I lived in Guatemala for a month, got into a relationship, and traveled around for a while. I found myself wondering what the point of was of everything I was doing. I returned home and did a few odd jobs. As soon as I found a client that would pay my expenses, I moved to Columbia, and I jumped into building a startup with a friend. The startup went south, and I lost all self confidence. I ran out of money and had to come back home. I felt like a complete loser, and I started the process of rebuilding. This was the point where I decided to start working on my book, but it was difficult to be creative when I was in survival mode. Once I got my business up and running again, I went to Thailand for a month. I knew that I was going to be moving to New York to work on a startup, so I wanted to enjoy a month in Thailand. When I got back to the USA, I moved to New York to work for a tech startup.

Next, I want to work on being of more service to others. The biggest thing I can help people with is understanding the importance of learning as many skills as possible. Right now, due to the state of the world, most of us only have time. There is a lot of down time, and there are going to be people who come out of this further ahead, because they made use of that time. I want to help people help themselves by acquiring skills that can serve themselves and their community.

What I learned...

  • Most people don't hit their stride until their late 30s
  • Resilience is extremely important
  • The market will always give you feedback
  • Being a starving artist isn't great. You need to be thriving in order to be creative.


A brief hisory of my story part 1


A brief hisory of my story part 2


7 Laws of Mindful Living Book


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