9 Ways To Improve Your Discipline And Accountability

1. Stop saying yes to every damn thing!

No is the new yes. Every time you say yes, you're saying no to something else.

2. Could you do it now, delete or delegate?

Use Fiverr, task rabbit, VAs. If you're not doing it, your not lazy it's just not something you enjoy.

3. Limit your to-do list to 3 key things.

4. Stay in your lane - know your strengths and focus on them.

You should know what you're naturally good at by the time you're 30. If not, take a personality assessment.

5. Don't break the chain (daily output)

Do it for 7 days in a row, then 15 and then 30, 60, 90.

6. Create systems of accountability (SOAs).

Tell someone you admire what you are about to do and when you'll have it done.

Get an account-a-billy-buddy, add a by when statement to all of your goals, use the Pomodoro method, and timeboxing.

7. Use micro-commitments and confidence stacking.

Make the bed for three days. Do one push up a day.

Do something brave that requires you to get outside of your comfort zone (i.e., asking Starbucks barista for 20% off at check out just because) then doing something else that's a bigger stretch with the energy you created.

8. Stop caring how stupid you look because you're going to always look stupid whenever you're learning/doing/trying something for the first time.

Insecure people care what others think about them. Secure people don't.

9. Hire a coach, find a mentor, or join a community.

Ask friends and colleagues for recs.

No more excuses. Let’s get to work.❤️

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